Friday, 21 September 2012

Tv Scheduling

Tv scheduling


Inheritance is when you schedule a programme after a really popular one hoping to inherit some of the audience of the previous shop.

Pre echo

When you schedule a programme before a popular one hoping that people flick over earlier and catch the end


Place a programme between two popular ones

This theory doesn’t work as effectively as it used to, as now that remote controls have been invented people flick around onto different channels instead of just leaving the same channel on. Plus there are much more trailers on television because there are more channels.

T.v scheduling The schedule for each day can be broken down into clear segments. How would you categorise these segments? Due to the type of programme and the time that it is scheduled Who are the target audience for these segments? Earlier is- young children tv and adults. Middle is- teenagers and elderly people. Later is- adults and young adults What would you say are the most popular genres on television? Chat shows, news, soap operas, dramas and factual tv Who is the target audience of each terrestrial channel? Give examples of scheduled programmes to support your views? Channel 4- men- warship Itv1- woman- a mother’s son Bbc1- woman- accused Bbc2-old people- great Irish bake off Roughly what percentage of each channels schedules is taken up with repeats? Why do you think this is? Half due to costs of showing new episodes all of the time and popularity 1/3 are repeats which means its much more cheaper Which channels have more imported programmes in their schedules? Why do you think this might be? Channel 4 have much more imported programmes because they have a wide target audience and channel 5 do because its a much more practical channel. What do you understand by the term, “the watershed” and where does this occur in the schedules? When more violent or sexual programmes are screened. After 9.00

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